페이지 정보
Drying Facility Disc type Dryer
- HNC Disc Dryer is an indirect steam heated disc dryer in which heat sources are injected into jacket and solid-shaft to be indirectly heated and dried. Patches attached to rotating disks help efficiently transport and dry.
- This dryer has very good thermal efficiency and is manufactured with special design such as the automatic thermal expansion adjustment device and the thermal efficiency increase device, so it has excellent mechanical performance, practical, and solid.
Patent | No. 10-2470580 |
Detailed information
| Features and Benefits |
- Improve drying performance by maximizing the heat transfer area
- Easy to stir, transfer and discharge by attaching patches to the disc
- Possible to adjust the drying time and water content, and can respond flexibly depending on the situation
- Specialized design for rapid extraction of condensate inside the disc
- Removal apparatus installed inside devices easily separates adhesive material
| Applicated Field |
- Drying & Reduction for sewage, waste water sludge
- Composting & fueling for food waste
- Drying & fueling for paper sludge
- Composting & fueling for livestock manure
| Throughput |
- Input volume basis : 0.5 ton/hr ~ 7 ton/hr